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Sixth Form

Careers and Labour Market Information


Careerometer is the tool that lets you compare the average wages and working hours of up to two jobs in England.

  • How to use the careerometer
  • Simply type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop down list, then add your second and third choices to see the comparison. When you’ve finished comparing wages and job opportunities – visit Prospects, National Careers Service or iCould for further information. 

What do graduates do

This publication provides facts, context and explanations from careers experts to help answer the important questions that we have about graduate prospects after university. It also provides an excellent insight into employability and labour market trends.


iCould provides career inspiration and information for young people. Shows what is possible in work and offer different ways to think about careers through free access to over 1000 personal video stories, detailed job information, plus practical tips, insight and advice.

SACU offers a great independent & impartial source of careers information and a range of tools that will allow you to explore courses, careers, labour market information and much much more.

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