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Sixth Form



The intent of the Mathematics Curriculum

The Mathematics Department prides itself in being at the forefront of developing new ways of teaching, in particular using different resources in lessons.  Students are introduced to wide range of activities to enable them to develop a good understanding of the subject. The intent of the Maths Curriculum is to:

  • Present an environment where all students can learn Maths to the best of their ability and where all students' needs are addressed positively and sensitively. 
  • Offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate students, encouraging their active participation in Maths. 
  • Provide students with techniques so that they can investigate and solve problems in school Maths and other curricular areas.
  • Develop and extend a student's ability to express themselves clearly; to reason logically and to be able to generalise.
  • Build a student's confidence in their own ability and develop mathematical skills for their usefulness and applicability in the real world.
  • Develop mathematical knowledge and oral, written and practical skill that encourages confidence and enjoyment. 
  • Set realistic yet challenging targets, with high expectations for all students. 

How is the Mathematics Curriculum implemented?

In Years 7, 8 and 9, classes are organised in thirds (3 or 4 form groups at a time), so that students with similar abilities and target grades will be working together. During lesson time there will be opportunities for students to work independently and sometimes in pairs. Students are introduced to a wide range of activities to enable them to develop a good understanding of the subject and will consolidate the work from primary school. 

Through the Mathematics contact, students will be taught to:- 

  • Develop fluency
  • Reason mathematically
  • Solve problems

The Mathematics content is split into 6 main areas:-

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  • Geometry and measures
  • Probability
  • Statistics

Lessons will be focused upon a topic to ensure they have mastered the key skills required. Also, various opportunities will arise to apply the key skills to problem-solving questions.

Throughout the 3 years, topics will be revisited and revised to ensure students consolidate their knowledge. 

Curriculum Road Map - Maths

Curriculum Sequencing Plan - Maths

The impact of the Mathematics Curriculum at the end of Key Stage 3

There will be formal Mathematics assessments 2/3 times a year, allowing students to have greater understanding of the way their examinations will be marked, and the variation of questions asked. All assessments will contain content (from lessons) that they have previously been taught.

The Key Stage 3 Mathematics curriculum ensures that students are prepared for the content and skills required in Year 10 and 11. The curriculum also aims to provide students with the ability to logically solve problems, preparing them for the world of work and everyday life.

How is it assessed?

In all year’s students are placed in sets.  Students complete a formal assessment 2/3 times a year which is marked and given a percentage, in line with the school’s assessment policy

In year 7, 8 and 9, students’ complete homework on the www.sparxmaths.uk website, which is excellent at helping students to improve in their Maths education. For consistency (across the school and with all students) homework is always set on a Wednesday, and handed in on a Wednesday, irrelevant of when their Maths lessons are.

How can I help my child?

Parental support and help is very important with homework in all years, and any extra practice for example mental arithmetic problems or multiplication tables help support the work we do in lessons. You can also point out the maths in everyday life. Include your child in activities involving numbers and measuring, such as shopping, cooking and travelling.


The intent of the Mathematics Curriculum

The Mathematics Department prides itself in being at the forefront of developing new ways of teaching, in particular using ICT in lessons.  Students are introduced to wide range of activities to enable them to develop a good understanding of the subject. 

The reformed Mathematics GCSE sets high expectations; it demands more from all students and provides further challenges for those aiming to achieve top grades. The GCSE in Maths will provide a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. It will encourage students to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards Maths and to recognise the importance of Maths, and problem solving, in their own lives and to society.

How is the Mathematics Curriculum implemented?

GCSE Maths will enable students to:

Develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts

Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems, reason mathematically, makes deductions and inferences and draw conclusions, comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

Homework in KS4

In KS4, all of our homework is online using the following two websites:

sparxmaths.uk is used from year 7 to 11. This homework allows students to practise topics they have been covering in lessons whilst offering support in the way of videos and differentiated work.

methodmaths.com is used from January in year 11 and is a bank of old past papers that self-mark and self-grade. There are also help buttons that break the question down into smaller parts, and PowerPoints that go through a similar question.
Curriculum Road Map - Maths

The impact of the Mathematics Curriculum at the end of Key Stage 4

There are 3 exams at the end of Year 11 (May/June). There are two tiers of entry, Foundation & Higher.

Paper 1: Non calculator, 1 ½ hours.
Paper 2: With a calculator, 1 ½ hours.
Paper 3: With a calculator, 1 ½ hours.

There is no Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) or controlled assessment in Maths.

What qualification will I get? What could it lead to?

  • Pearson Edexcel Level/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Mathematics.

    Following this course, those with the higher grades (numbers) will be able to continue their Maths with Mathematical studies (1 year course), A Level Maths (2 year course) and A Level Further Maths (in addition to A level for our strongest Mathematicians).

Career directions could include:

Accounting, Data Analysing, Data Scientist, Financial Advising, Surveying, Banking, Software Testing and Teaching.

A good grade in Mathematics is a requirement of many employers, sixth forms, colleges and universities. Students who do not receive a grade 4 in Mathematics will be required by the Department for Education to continue to study Mathematics up to the age of 18.

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Mathematics – A-Level Qualification

Examining Body:


Entry Criteria:

Grade 6 GCSE Mathematics

Course Leader:

Mr J Jackman

The calculator we recommend for this course is the Casio FX-991CW. It is not necessary to purchase an expensive graphical calculator

Why? :

Mathematics is the most popular A level subject in the UK with over 93,000 entries each year. Studying mathematics can be a stepping stone into a wide variety of careers including accountancy, business, computing, economics, engineering, finance, mathematical modelling, medicine, science, statistics and technology. Mathematics is welcomed by all universities as a facilitating subject and is an essential requirement for entry to a large number of degrees. If you feel you have mastered most of the grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 topics at GCSE then you will enjoy developing your skills further with this course.

Course Structure:

There are three Overarching Themes to the A level Maths linear course:

• Mathematical argument, language and proof
• Mathematical problem solving
• Mathematical modelling

The subject content is divided into three areas: Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. The Overarching Themes are applied along with associated mathematical thinking and understanding across the whole of the subject content. Pure Mathematics Proof, algebra and functions, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms, differentiation, integration and vectors Statistics Sampling, data presentation and interpretation, probability, statistical distributions and statistical hypothesis testing. Mechanics Quantities and units in mechanics, kinematics, forces and Newton’s laws. The content of the first year will be assessed by two internal examinations at the end of the year. Both exams are 90 minutes and equally weighted. The first exam covers Pure Maths and Statistics and the second covers Pure Mathematics and Mechanics. The second year of the course will re-visit topics from the first year, developing them further and examining them more rigorously. A number of additional topics will be introduced including sequences and series and numerical methods. The course will be assessed terminally by three examinations at the end of the year. All exams are 2 hours and equally weighted. The first exam covers Pure Mathematics, the second Pure and Statistics and the third covers Pure Mathematics and Mechanics.

Extended Learning:

Assessments based on actual A Level questions will be set at the end of each topic and marked with reference to the examination criteria. In addition students will be expected to practise techniques to embed their knowledge and develop their understanding between lessons.

Curriculum Road Map - Maths

Further Mathematics (KS5)

Further Mathematics – A-Level Qualification

Examining Body:


Entry Criteria:

Grade 7 GCSE Mathematics

Course Leader:

Mr D Miles

The calculator we recommend for this course is the Casio FX-991CW. It is not necessary to purchase an expensive graphical calculator

Why? :

In research published by the Department of Education in November 2019, 24 year olds who studied Further Mathematics A level were shown to have considerably higher earnings that people of the same age who made other A level choices. We are pleased to have the expertise to offer this subject with an unbroken record of strong results stretching back for more than 20 years. NB to study A level Further Mathematics you must also study A level Mathematics. If you hope to go on to read a degree that is rich in mathematics such as architecture, computer science, chemistry, economics, engineering, finance, mathematics, physics or statistics, this subject will give you an edge. It is compulsory for some courses at prestigious universities and a number of institutions make lower offers to those who study it. If you have thrived on the grade 7 to grade 9 topics at GCSE, you will enjoy developing your skills further.

Course Structure:

Further Mathematics is examined at the end of two years by four equally weighted 90 minute written papers. The two Pure Core papers are compulsory:

• Pure Core 1
• Pure Core 2 - These will be supplemented by at least two Optional Papers from:

• Statistics
• Mechanics
• Discrete Mathematics
• Additional Pure Mathematics

If a candidate takes more than two Optional Papers, the best two results count. The Pure Core modules cover proof, algebra, functions, calculus, vectors, differential equations, complex numbers, matrices, polar coordinates and hyperbolic functions. The Statistics module covers combinatorics, probability distributions for discrete and continuous random variables, various statistical tests, correlation and regression. The Mechanics module covers dimensional analysis, work, energy, power, impulse, momentum, centres of mass, circular motion and variable force. The Discrete Mathematics module covers counting, graphs and networks, algorithms, critical path analysis, linear programming and game theory. The Additional Pure Mathematics module covers recurrence relations, number theory, group theory, the vector product, surfaces and partial differentiation

Extended Learning:

Exam question style assessments will be set at the end of topics and marked using exam criteria. You will also be expected to practise techniques to embed your knowledge and develop your understanding between lessons by completing exercises from textbooks.

Curriculum Road Map - Further Maths

Mathematical Studies (KS5)

Mathematical Studies – AQA Level 3 Certificate

Examining Body:


Entry Criteria:

Grade 4 or 5 GCSE Mathematics

Course Leader:

Mr B Williams

The calculator we recommend for this course is the Casio FX-83GT CW. Please be aware that if you order these from Amazon, they are not always in the English language and cannot be changed over.

Why? :

It is widely accepted that the majority of students would benefit from the study of a post-16 mathematics qualification in order to develop their mathematical thinking and increase their employability. The AQA Level 3 Certificate in Mathematical Studies (which is not for those who have chosen to study A Level Maths) concentrates on statistical techniques rather than algebra, so can help students who opt to take subjects such as the applied sciences, biology, business, economics, geography, health and social care, nursing and psychology. This qualification is endorsed by a large number of employers and universities. If you have enjoyed studying the grade 4, 5 and 6 topics at GCSE then you are likely to be well-suited to this course.

Course Structure:

Throughout the year, a variety of topics will be covered, including:

• Applications of statistics - Statistics is the study of the collection, organisation, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. It plays an increasingly important role in a wide variety of contexts and is used in areas of study such as biology, business, economics and psychology.
 • Probability - Probability theory has made significant contributions to almost all branches of science and engineering over the last 100 years. Probability is used in areas of study such as finance, artificial intelligence, business and philosophy.
• Critical Path Analysis – Critical Path analysis can be applied to a variety of contexts in business and industry. It is used most extensively in business and economics but is also utilised for some engineering problems. Critical Path models are used in industries such as transportation, energy, telecommunications and manufacturing.
• Personal Finance – This part of the course covers all aspects of personal finance including tax calculations, inflation, budgeting etc. The course is examined terminally by two 1 hour 30 minute papers. Paper 1 (50%) will require candidates to analyse real-life contexts described in a source booklet released before the examination. The remaining 50% comes from a second paper. There are three options for this; Statistical Techniques, Critical Path Analysis and Graphical Techniques. Which paper is chosen will depend on the strengths of the class.

Extended Learning:

Students will be given a textbook at the start of the year and homework often centres on completing the exercises held within.

Curriculum Road Map - Mathematical Studies

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