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Sixth Form

Academy Council

The Academy Council prides itself on helping to shape the vision and future of our students' education and development of the school. 
Sir John Leman High School are fortunate to have committed members of the community who, together, make up the school’s Academy Council. These individuals play an important role in the leadership and life of the school. As members of the council, these colleagues are unpaid volunteers and are either elected or appointed to serve a four year term of office.

As individuals they each have different motivation for becoming a council member and come from a variety of backgrounds, bringing a range of expertise and experience to the school.

They work in partnership with the School’s Leadership Team to ensure the best possible all-round education is being provided for all pupils in a high quality learning environment, making the most of the resources available to the school and ensuring compliance with statutory regulations and procedures.

Whilst the day to day management and operation of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, supported by the Leadership Team, the council have a strategic role and are required to hold the school accountable for standards of learning and teaching and to provide constructive challenge and support.

The council have 3 formal meetings per year, one per term. On top of this, members of the council will visit the school to observe and gather evidence on their area of responsibility in order to progress specific actions when required. You will also see them informally, at school and events throughout the year.

If you wish to contact the council with a specific issue, or would simply like to find out more about how they work, please do so via the school office on the usual phone number or by email at reception@sirjohnleman.co.uk.

Parents should speak, in the first instance, with the schools’ complaints co-ordinator, if they wish to raise an issue, and then to the Headteacher. If a matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, then the Chair of the council may become involved via the school’s formal Complaints Procedure, but this would always be as a last resort.

Academy Council Members


Mrs J Stringer Chair of the Academy Council - Parent 
Support for school improvement and leaders’ wellbeing
Mrs L Bell


Mr A Lever


Stakeholder Voice – Families

Mrs K Grose Parent
Safeguarding and Attendance
Mrs R Witt Parent
Mrs S Hartshorn Headteacher
Miss S Turner Support Staff Voice - Member of School Staff
Miss B Chown Member of School Staff

All members of the council are responsible for celebrating success and the life of the school.

Academy Council Documents

KST Academy Council - Terms of Reference

KST Academy Council - Scheme of Delegation

SJLHS Academy Council - Meeting Schedule (2024-2025)

SJLHS Academy Council - Meeting Attendance (Academic Year 2020-2024)

SJLHS Academy Council - Meeting Attendance (Academic Year 2024 Onwards)

Business Interests (2024-2025)

Established in ~ 1632 ~