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Sixth Form

Student Entitlement

In all years, students are given a wide range of opportunities to gain an insight into the world of work and investigate career pathways, following the key themes of our comprehensive and progressive Careers and Skills programme.

The careers programme provides students with information, education, advice and guidance and opportunities for them to have experiences to learn about themselves and develop knowledge, attitudes, and skills to prepare them for future learning and the world of work.

The programme includes business challenges, enterprise days, visits to businesses, speakers from the world of work, events relating to specific employment sectors, work experience placements and STE(A)M fortnight activities in addition to a well-structured PSHEE programme. The school collaborates with the Enterprise Advisor Network, a national network that connects schools and colleges with employers and careers programme providers to work together to create meaningful encounters with the world of work for young people. The network is based on evidence that a young person who has four or more meaningful encounters with an employer is 86% less likely to be unemployed or not in education or training and can earn up to 22% more during their career. 

There are dedicated sections on the Careers section of the school website for students, parents, teachers, and employers, providing information about the Careers & Skills programme.

There are opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access all students in Year 8 to 13 for the purpose of informing them about approved further and higher education qualifications and apprenticeships. Details of these access arrangements are set out in the Provider Access Policy.

Year 7: Knowing Yourself and Being Inspired

By beginning careers education early, students can make better informed decisions at transition stages and are more motivated to follow a particular pathway. 

Students take part in tutor time activities for personal development, following the STEPs workbook, and includes Career Insight sessions supported by parents, alumni, and employers, and PSHEE days in which they can begin to explore, investigate and understand themselves.  Students are introduced to careers resources and informed how to use them and are encouraged to explore careers matched to their interests, strengths, and skills. Students have opportunities to explore the local labour market and to be inspired by engaging with a range of businesses, FE and HE. Students take part in Skills days which help prepare students for employability and support their development through self-awareness, self-determination, and improvement as a learner. Students have optional access of a personal guidance interview via a referral system. 

Year 8: Aspiration and Ambition to Achieve

Students are encouraged to be ambitious, broaden their horizons explore their own aspirations. Students self-assess and build on personal strengths and skills through completion of Skills Builder activities and STEPs workbook and are encouraged to think about what they might like to achieve after school. They are introduced to the world of work and how it is changing and consider how they can access and use Labour Market Information.  Students use careers software and websites to investigate careers and pathways and have opportunities to engage with local businesses, FE and HE. Students have optional access of a personal guidance interview via a referral system. 

Year 9: Exploration of Life, Work and Learning Options

We encourage students to re-assess their personal strengths, weaknesses and interests when considering a future career.  A programme called Unifrog is used by all Year 9 pupils to assist with their career planning for KS4.  The programme can be accessed at home by parents to see the suggestions or comments made that are specific to their child. 

During the year, students will have opportunities to take part in many work-related activities and explore and research different careers to find out about subjects, qualifications, skills, and training needed and how their curriculum learning links to different careers. They are encouraged to use a wide range of careers resources to investigate different jobs and careers and LMI and what they mean in terms of lifestyle, budgeting and a good work/life balance and are encouraged to challenge stereotypes within the world of work. Students have opportunities to engage with a range of local business, FE and HE.

Students take part in tutor time careers activities which raise their awareness of the world of work and also support skills development and character building through Skills Builder activities and by completion of a Skills Passport, STEPs workbook and resources which are available through Unifrog and Start Profile.

One of the key decisions in Year 9 is when the students are asked to choose their GCSE options.  Students receive help and guidance so that they can make well informed and realistic decisions about which GCSEs to take and how their choices can enable their long-term career plans and goals. Students have optional access of a persona guidance interview via a referral system. 

Year 10: Action by Preparing for the World of Work

Students use Unifrog to explore the world of work and the range of post 16 pathways and career routes via A Levels, Further Education courses, apprenticeships, and work with training. Students are encouraged to access LMI independently, and economic awareness is developed, and students are encouraged to think about employability, which careers appeal to them and identify and set themselves realistic future goals.

Students prepare a CV and covering letter and take part in a variety of work-related learning and enterprise activities which develop skills relevant to the world of work.  Students will take part in the work experience programme in which spend a week with an employer, learning about a particular job or area of work.   Before the placement, students learn about workplace behaviour, expectations and responsibilities, health & safety in the workplace and the impact of their online appearance. During the placement, students will be able to find out what skills, qualities and attitudes employers look for when they are recruiting staff. Work experience is a valuable learning tool as it develops the skills and qualities needed for future employment and helps students make progress towards achieving their goals for the future. Students assess the learning from their work experience through a reflective, debrief session with their tutors.

Students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to engage with local businesses, FE and HE and explore possible career choices and can attend local careers fairs and take part in events held throughout the academic year which provide inspiration and broaden their awareness of opportunities available to them. There may also be the opportunity to take part in a mentoring programme.

Students will take part in tutor time activities which raise their awareness of the world of work and supports skills development and character building. This is evidenced by completion of a Skills Builder activities and a Skills Passport, STEP workbook and resources which are available through Unifrog and Start Profile. This helps them build up a portfolio of evidence to support their CV and use in Sixth Form/college/job interviews. Students have access to a personal guidance interview via a referral system.

Year 11: Action for Future Pathways

Students are supported with post 16 choices and encouraged to consider all their options including further study and apprenticeships, so they have the confidence to take their next step in their learning and career.

During the autumn term, students attend information sessions, which are supported by a wide range of local employers, colleges, training providers and universities, to help them make informed decisions about how best they continue in education or training up to the age of 18 and are encouraged to attend open days.  They are encouraged to use careers resources, including Unifrog, to find out more about specific courses and careers and consider how current trends in the labour market are relevant to their post 16 options and long-term plans.

Students attend a ‘Workwise’ day, supported by local employers, in which they take part in sessions to review their CV, learn current recruitment practices including applying for jobs and interview techniques, before having a mock interview with an employer at the beginning of the Spring term.

Students have a personal guidance interview with Mrs Copeman to set personal objectives and goals and help give them skills to manage their future education and career pathways, including agreeing an action plan and encouraging them to make contingency plans should GCSE results be better/worse than expects.

Additional programmes are available to students who require further support in making the transition to Post 16 choices. There may also be the opportunity to take part in a mentoring programme. 

Students will take part in tutor time activities which raise their awareness of the world of work and supports skills development and character building. This is evidenced by completion of Skills Builder and the Skills Passport, STEPs workbook and resources which are available through Unifrog and Start Profile. This helps them build up a portfolio of evidence to support their CV and use in Sixth Form/college/job interviews. 

Sixth Form

In Sixth Form, students follow a tutorial programme to help them actively and independently manage their learning and career development. Considerable time is dedicated to providing comprehensive careers, advice, and guidance to ensure that they are fully informed and have the attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to make the right decisions for the next stage in their career journey. Students use Unifrog to support their research, personal development, and post 18 choices. Student’s research post 18 options which include Higher Education, Further Education, Apprenticeships, and employment and have the opportunity to speak to local employers and alumni and attend networking events during the academic year.

Year 12: Creating Opportunities for Success

In Year 12 students are supported to create and take opportunities to develop their skills, attitudes, and qualities, and set personal objectives and goals in relation to their future choices. Students are encouraged and supported to develop research skills so that, through independent investigation, they can find out about opportunities. Students can choose to take part in the Young Professionals programme, are given the opportunity to take part in work experience as part of their 16 – 19 study programme and attend networking breakfasts and talks with employers and alumni to help enhance their future career choices. Prior to taking part in work experience, students attend preparation briefings, which include health and safety in the workplace, and on completion of their placement, they reflect on the learning they have gained from the experience. Students take part in a Higher Education and Careers Day towards the end of the summer term and have the opportunity to attend an HE fair and visit two universities.

Year 13: Pathways to Independence

In Year 13, students continue to focus on their next steps, so they have specific plans in place for their post-18 pathway in education, employment or training. Help and advice is given to students when writing personal statements and making applications to university, and they are encouraged to attend university taster sessions, open days and conferences. Students will gain an understanding of personal finance and budgeting in preparation for more independent living.

Students receive ongoing support during Key Stage 5, including personal guidance interviews, help with applying for jobs and apprenticeships, updating CV’s, mock interviews, and assessment centres.  Students revisit the labour market information and are made aware of local job opportunities that are forwarded to us by employers.

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